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Ellevation Canvas Course (Badges)

Ellevation Canvas Course (Badges)

Ellevation strategies through Canvas will count for 1.5 credit hours per strategy submitted.


Follow the Guides provided below. Guide 1 and Guide 2 are both a one-time process. Guide 3 will explain how to work through the course.


Video-snippets Versions:

Guide 1: Creating Accounts [one time process]

Guide 2: Enroll in BISD Ellevation Course [one time process]

Guide 3: Working through the Course

Guide 4: Update your Canvas Profile

Guide 5: Enroll in a Canvas Group


Eligible Teachers for PB Modules Compensation: Submit certificates through the following form:



Printer-Friendly Versions:

Guide 1: Creating Accounts [one time process]

Guide 2: Enroll in BISD Ellevation Course [one time process]

Guide 3: Working through the Course


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